Work Opportunities
There are a few part time jobs for students experienced in theatre technologies:
The Theatre Area hires a few experienced students in theatre technical areas. Strong preference is given to Work-Study students
- Costume Shop:
The Costume shop may hire students with certain specialty skills for specific projects like wig-making.
Strong Preference for Work-Study students.
Contact Shay Heitzman at 707-826-3570 or Electrics and Sound:
The Electrics and Sound Shop may hire experienced students.
Strong preference for Work-Study students.
Contact Pablo Midence at 707-826-4751 or Scene and Props Shops:
The Scene and Prop Shops may hire experienced students.
Strong preference for Work-Study Students.
Contact Stuart Juodeika at 707-826-5479 or
For other Jobs on campus and in the community:
- Academic and Career Advising:
- Springboard (to apply for jobs):